Isaiah 41:15 – Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.

“Set sail as instructed and allow the Lord to direct the wind. Working for God should never be out of self-glory, self-exaltation, or self-gratification; it should be centered on obeying God and doing what He instructs you to do. It’s never your concern what happens to His work, messages, or the person He sent you to; your primary concern should be to obey. Your life, job, career, plans, and welfare – God knows how to take care of all these secondary options. His assignment is the center and purpose of your existence, and your welfare and resources are provided within that assignment. Your little efforts matter; don’t quit or give up, saying you are less, unwanted, unloved, unhonored, or disregarded. My brother and sister, everything is coming to an end soon enough; those things don’t really matter. Focus on completing His assignment, and God will focus on completing yours.”

We believers are God’s own conductors, the only means by which He transmits His power to the world. The more we surrender and limit our resistance, the more His power and current will increase within us. We are chargers, meant for recharging God’s electronics (His tools and equipment) that the devil has drained. We must remove all resistance of sin from our lives, recognizing that higher resistance means lower power, while lower resistance yields higher exploits, as our faith remains constant. We must give no room for fluctuations, since inconsistency cannot maintain a constant flow of power and energy.

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